We use a Technics RS-BX601 cassette deck to transfer your audio cassettes to our computer. We will also filter out the background hiss from your audio cassette making it sound clearer however we won’t be able to remove it completely.
We use a Sony M-530V Micro Cassette Recorder to transfer your microcassettes to our computer. We will also filter out the background hiss from your audio cassette making it sound clearer however we won’t be able to remove it completely.
For Philips Mini Cassettes we use a Pocket Memo 390 recorder which is connected directly to our computer to ensure a high-quality transfer from your Mini Cassettes. Once captured we will then filter out the background hiss to make the recording sound clearer, however, we won’t be able to remove it completely.
We can transfer Grundig Stenorette cassettes using a specially modified Grundig 2050 recorder allowing it to be connected directly to the computer. These recorders were never fitted with audio output connections, which meant the only way to digitise these cassettes was to put a microphone up to the speaker resulting in poor audio quality. We don’t have this problem as our machine is fitted with audio out. Once your Stennorette cassette has been captured we will filter out any background hiss making your recording sound clearer.
When transferring Minidisc,
we use a Sony MDS-JE330 minidisc deck which is connected using the optical digital connection. Normally Minidiscs don’t contain background noise however if your recording has background hiss, crackles or pops we will filter as much of it out as possible.
When transferring D.A.T also known as Digital Audio Tapes we use a Sony DTC-750 deck which is connected via an optical digital cable connected using the optical digital connection. D.A.T tapes are normally used in recording studios or for live recordings and as such generally don’t require noise filtering however this can be performed if required.
We can also transfer your old 8-track tapes using a Prinz Sound GRD8 8-track recorder, which is connected directly to our computer in order to offer the best transfer quality. Once we have transferred your tape we will then filter out any background hiss to make your recording sound clearer, although we won’t be able to remove it completely.
If you have any questions then please get in touch by filling out the form at the bottom of the page or give us a call, our full contact details can also be found on our contact page.